“The proposed zoning ordinance limits “group assembly” at residences to 49 people a day. Such gatherings “shall not occur more frequently than three times in any 40-day period.”
County officials say they have received complaints about group meetings at homes. But Herrity said “they haven’t even reached 1 percent of the thousands of complaints our Department of Code Compliance investigates a year.”
“This is yet another instance where we appear to be punishing the many for the actions of the few,” said Herrity, who reported a total of six complaints were received last year.” (Source: Hot Air).
This new ordinance is extraordinarily dangerous to our Liberty as Americans. Government overreach – even what may seem innocent or altruistic at first – quickly turns into tyranny; “well-intentioned” but flawed laws lay the groundwork upon which the tree of tyranny is built. Many such laws are passed under the guise of protecting the the greater good, when in fact they are often intentionally sewn into the fabric of our government as power structures which can later be expanded. It’s called “incrementalism”.
As Americans we ought to – we must – honor God and defend the Law, the Constitution – in its truest form, and pay particular attention also to the Bill of Rights. This is a challenge to our generations which applies to Conservatives and Liberals, Libertarians, Republicans and Democrats, and members of the revived Tea Party. Every American will be at risk of dispensing of freedom if our Rights which were endowed to us by our Creator are not fought for and preserved.
Tags: home church
Category: America, Government Corruption