We Need a Criminal Investigation of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen

Just by comparing these videos side by side of the Congressional Testimony of John Koskinen, IRS Commissioner and former CEO of Freddie Mac, there is a clear and serious indication that the IRS is lying under oath, deliberately trying to impede an investigation, and hiding evidence that would implicate the IRS in targeting political groups in order to help re-elect Barack Hussein Obama.
The IRS expects tax payers to keep 7-years of records in the case of an audit, but they cannot keep 6 months of high-level employee emails. Are we to believe that the IRS had no backups, no redundancies, or security in place for such high officials as Lois Lerner? Are we to believe that they cannot retrieve such information? In the first video, we see Congressman Trey Gowdy drilling IRS Commissioner John Koskinen in March 2014 over emails that the IRS is failing to provide, using doublespeak and delay-tactics. When Congressman Gowdy presses the matter and asks for a specific time frame of Lois Lerner’s emails, the Commissioner balks at his simple request.
In the second video, June 2014, Congress Paul Ryan questions the Commissioner, upon learning that the same emails that Congress was after is now missing, because of an alleged hard-drive crash, not only of Lerner’s emails but of six other IRS employees involved in the investigation. How convenient.
Here is a third instance in which a Congressman, Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas), calls Commissioner John Koskinen, “A Liar” – and we agree. His testimony is not believable and an investigation should immediately follow.
In this fourth video, the Commissioner admits to physically destroying Lois Lerner’s hard-drive after it allegedlycrashed.
We believe that at the very least a criminal investigation into IRS Commissioner John Koskinen is warranted. The IRS cannot expect citizens to abide by the law and produce documents as to their affairs when they cannot do the same when they are under investigation. Government officials are not above the law and must be treated in the same manner as any ordinary citizen. Otherwise, what ensues is lawlessness, which is exactly what the Obama administration has proven it seeks.
We urge you to call Congress – (202) 224-3121 – and demand an investigation of John Koskinen.
Category: Crooks Thieves & Liars, Government Corruption